Jump Cut
Definition : A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit causes the subject of the shots to appear to "jump" position in a discontinuous way.
My Definition : When in editing, the two sequential shots are taken but the camera angle is slightly positioned different making the footage appear to have jumped.
Definition : In film or video, an over the shoulder shot (also over shoulder, OS, OTS, or third-person shot) is a shot of someone or something taken over the shoulder of another person.
Cut aways
Definition : A shot in which the camera view is reframed to give the audience information that was previously outside of the camera's view. Often used to reveal something.
My Definition : A shot that reveals the seroundings and whats going on out side of the camera's enital veiw, shows what's going on apart from what was shown in the first shot.
Definition : A point of view shot (also known as POV shot or a subjective camera) is a short film scene that shows what a character (the subject) is looking at (represented through the camera).
My Definition : Ashot that establishes what the character is looking at, we see it through their eyes or where there eye's would be, we the veiwer are the actors and see what they do.
Spelling "character".